Sunday, June 26, 2011


When honduran christians sing praise to the Lord they are unshackled. No one worries about their breath, getting the notes right, or whether their belt is the same hue as their shoes. Their praise is pure joy.
As Matt Warren led the congregation in praise today, we sat intermingled with the congregation. Ramona translated the words of the minister as he shed tears over the fact that today was his last day with the congregation at Los Pinos. He thanked his flock over and over again. So long that some of us learned spanish.
Rain followed us to the valley of angels as Edna challenged our group to buy one item of 50 limperas ($2.50). We're going to have a gift exchange full of obscure gifts. The cement block stores are filled with hand made bracelets, mahogony jewelry boxes, oil paintings, and hammocks. Mariachi players surrounded Jaden Mock singing birthday serenades. He remained stoic.
A two hour drive saw us back to Julio's (our home) just in time to fill out plates with buttery potatoes and a tasty seasoned meat dish. Bellies full, we jumped onto the bus and went to play soccer. Tyler White attempted a bicycle kick that was pretty good for a gringo. Some of our less controlled kicks sent our ball sailing into a river. I thought we'd lost it forever until some Honduran teens crossed it and found it for us. Ar we headed home the bus smelt as if an arm pit had taken flight and was hovering beneath our nostrils. Showers are on the menu!

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